What we believe:
Here at Marvin United Methodist Church, our foundation is built on the history of faithful ones who gathered to worship as a congregation beginning in 1895.
We are not, however, mired in the past, but very much a part of this community in how we live out our call to follow Jesus into the world. We believe that God is revealed in how Jesus lived, died, and was raised from the dead to give us, and the world, hope. Jesus came to be one of us, and struggled just as we do. This compassionate caring continues in the active presence of the Holy Spirit, the comforter, the one sent to be present to us and in us.
We believe that the creator God cares for everything and everyone, each one of us being made in God’s image. Understanding God and our place in God’s story comes through reading and studying the Bible, individually, together, and in worship. We celebrate the mystery of God’s grace at work in our lives by living into that grace in compassionate care for each other, the community, and the world. We don’t dodge the tough issues, but tackle them head-on in worship, Sunday School, and small group studies. We have a desire to humbly listen to the needs of the community and share a desire and determination to live in love.
We are imperfect, broken humans, but supported by the tradition of loving care in this congregation. We seek and receive forgiveness in Jesus. We come together to live into lives of prayer, holiness and action for God.
As this part of the body of Christ, this group of imperfect people share also in the proud tradition of passionate faith and compassionate service as a United Methodist congregation. We honor the beliefs of others, and join with them in being God’s church universal, here in this community and in the whole world. To learn more about the beliefs of the United Methodist Church, check here: http://www.umc.org/what-we-believe.
We invite you to join us on this journey. For more information about becoming a member or becoming an active participant in the life and ministry of this church, please email marvinumclincolnton@gmail.com